It’s not my brain, it’s my mind! Don’t worry, we’ve got you. Whether the issue is a brain limitation or a mind limitation, we are here to use the science of neuroplasticity to get you out of your way and onto a life full of possibilities and beyond limitations.

Break Through Sessions

Are you in a rut? Stuck and can’t find yourself out of it. Your mind is working against you rather than FOR you. You need help breaking free!


Why retrain my mind with a
Breakthrough session?

Maybe you feel there is something missing in your life or you are not quite satisfied in all areas of your life. Have you ever found yourself saying:

  • I wish I could stop doing…, but there is a part of me that….”
  • I really want to…. but I just can’t help myself.”
  • I know I should not …, but I just can’t help myself.”
  • I wish I could . . .
  • On one hand I want this on other I want that
  • If I could find a way to do . . .
  • I just can’t let it go . . .
  • I just can’t do this or that – I have tried but I just can’t stop doing . . .
  • I don’t know why I feel this way . . .
  • Why do I keep doing that . . .?
  • I can’t deal with it now; it’s still too painful . . .
  • I wonder how people overcome such problems . . .

How about getting yourself into similar situations or repeating the same undesirable behavior/habit.

From time to time we all realize that we are not fulfilling our potential, and we may sometimes notice that this happens persistently and/or in more than one aspect of life.

The Breakthrough process is designed to help people go beyond any perceived blocks, whether in a work, relationships or personal situation, to achieve breakthrough results, FAST.

How much would that be worth to you (or your organization) to rewire your mind so that you can perform beyond limitations in all areas of your life?

Typical issues addressed can be:

  • Limiting beliefs
  • Unresourceful habits
  • Communication problems
  • Leadership problems
  • Lack of clarity/purpose
  • Lack of self-esteem
  • Relationship issues: marriage, partnerships, parenting, friends & family

BTS is effective

Research shows that the treatment strategies used in a BTS have been effective in the treatment of depression. All patients in the test group experienced a full reduction in depression and in the six years since the study was conducted, there have been zero cases of relapse. It has also been proven effective with common issues such as anxiety disorder and release of negative emotions and limiting beliefs.


Rather than spending months or years in therapy, most problems and symptoms — even those caused by severe trauma or those that have been ingrained for decades — will change in 8 hours. Breakthrough Session is a rapid way to achieve significant changes in your personal development.


A Breakthrough Session is an intensive two-day, mind training session. Intervention is client-specific, designed to focus on the specific mind limitation that affects each client.

Breakthrough sessions are used to retrain the mind to:

  • Increase self-confidence, work performance, motivation, efficiency, decisions making.
  • mprove self-management, time management, relationships, concentration.
  • Letting go of negative emotions like anger, sadness, fear, hurt and guilt, among others that harm the body and health.

How Does a BTS work?

Sessions are typically 7-8 hours split into two days of 3-4 hours each. We work one to one to provide the mind with new resources and new perspectives and new ways of functioning.


A Recent Intensive Case:

Melanie a 43-year-old mother came to our center primarily for care for her child who was struggling in school, diagnosed as Dyslexic. She was anxious to get her child help because she had lived with this diagnosis and as an adult knew the cost of this emotionally, socially and professionally.

After seeing the gains her daughter had made after 2 intensives, moving from a special needs program, to F’s in a regular education program, to an honor roll student in all honors classes, she was not only excited for her daughter, but longed for this for herself. She wanted to experience this freedom and accomplishment and she no longer wanted to feel “secretly stupid”. Although she was a highly accomplished woman who had built a successful career, home and family, the lingering struggles of living with her processing disorder haunted and limited her throughout her life.

Melanie committed to her intensive, moving through all the steps and working hard for 3 weeks. At the end, she shocked even herself with her new skills. She ended her intensive empowered, focused, clear, remembering and managing details she could not before. The auditory processing disorder she walked in the door with was gone and the gaps in her cognitive abilities closed. Most important, she described the experience as having a ‘new lease on life’. She found the freedom to enjoy life and to experience a new level of skill and potential that she never imagined was possible for herself. Every area of her life has changed and she is beyond grateful and happy.